
Birds and people, we dream of coexistence and well-being!

In 2009, the black-faced spoonbill came to the Namdong Reservoir which is a Class I endangered wildlife.
Since then our citizens' activities to protect the black-faced spoonbill, a natural monument, are continuing.

Black-faced Spoonbill ECO Center is the result of long-term activities and efforts by Incheon Metropolitan City and its citizens.
As a flagship species, the activity to protect the black-faced spoonbill is to live a healthy life for the black-faced spoonbill and
its habitat as well as us. It can be said that by protecting small lives, it is an act of protecting us, our family, and also the earth.

Black-faced Spoonbill ECO Center aims to create a sustainable environment for migratory waterfowl,
such as black-faced spoonbill, wetlands, and a better life for us.

We kindly ask for your participation and interest in protecting the black-faced spoonbill.

- Director of Black-faced Spoonbill ECO Center, Hyung-moon Kim -



562 Neungheo-daero, Namdong-gu, Incheon (Post: 21699)  Phone : 032-818-3255  E-mail : bfsnfriends@daum.net
COPYRIGHT(C) 2022 Black-faced Spoonbill Eco Enter. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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